HAT PINNI - the hat that conquers all hearts

The PINNI hat made from 100% organic merino wool is the perfect accessory for active children and little explorers! With its sweet design - the unmistakable point - it not only offers a perfect fit , but is also cuddly soft, grows with the child and is available in many beautiful colors.

Why your child will love the PINNI hat:

Perfect fit : It always sits securely, does not slip and reliably protects the sensitive ears.

Cuddle guarantee - thanks to extra-fine 100% organic merino wool. Our high-quality wool regulates temperature , is pill-free and ensures that your child's head neither sweats nor freezes.

Can be combined : We also offer the LOOPI round scarf and the ELLA headband, which go perfectly with the hat.

Grows with the child : The hats grow with the child's head, so you can enjoy your favorite piece for a long time. Siblings can also continue to wear the hat.

Details about the wool :
• From controlled organic livestock farming
• Mulesing-free
• Sustainably dyed yarn
• Bleached without chlorine
• Made in a family knitting factory in Slovenia

XXS - Newborn 35-38 cm / 0-3 months

XS - Baby 38-42 cm / 3-12 months

S - Toddler 43-48cm / 1-2 years

M - Child 49-54 cm / 2-5 years

L - Thick-headed 55-60 cm / 5-99 years

- 30°C delicates or wool wash

- Do not bleach

- Do not tumble dry

- Do not iron hot (max. 110°)

- Dry cleaning gentle treatment

The Oh Chapo Story

The cutest children's hat in the world

''Video text''

The Oh Chapo Story

The cutest children's hat in the world

''Video text''

The Oh Chapo Story

The cutest children's hat in the world

''Video text''

Over 10,000+ customers love our products



/ 5

based on over 180 reviews

Ordered for the third time now

I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3 I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3 I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3

Simply great!

Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy! Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy! Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy!

Everything is great 🤍

We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats and headbands 🤍 we use them every day and are convinced by the good quality and comfort. The colors are incredibly beautiful and we have already received many compliments. Even grandma has had her own set for a while and is happy with it. It's great that Oh Chapo exists, keep it up! We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats... We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats and headbands 🤍 we use them every day and are convinced by the good quality and comfort. The colors are incredibly beautiful and we have already received many compliments. Even grandma has had her own set for a while and is happy with it. It's great that Oh Chapo exists, keep it up!

Unique design

Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super high quality and very soft. Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super... Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super high quality and very soft.

Great products

I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They feel good and the order was delivered incredibly quickly. Thank you! I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They... I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They feel good and the order was delivered incredibly quickly. Thank you!

We love the Pinnis

We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears. We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears. We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears.

Ordered for the third time now

I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3 I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3 I've ordered three times now. Great hats, for me and my little one. I'll definitely order again. <3

Simply great!

Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy! Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy! Great quality and simply beautiful hats. We are very happy!

Everything is great 🤍

We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats and headbands 🤍 we use them every day and are convinced by the good quality and comfort. The colors are incredibly beautiful and we have already received many compliments. Even grandma has had her own set for a while and is happy with it. It's great that Oh Chapo exists, keep it up! We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats... We have already received our second order and the junior and I are more than happy with our loops, hats and headbands 🤍 we use them every day and are convinced by the good quality and comfort. The colors are incredibly beautiful and we have already received many compliments. Even grandma has had her own set for a while and is happy with it. It's great that Oh Chapo exists, keep it up!

Unique design

Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super high quality and very soft. Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super... Fast shipping and cute packaging (I love confetti). Visually, they are simply the prettiest hats and loops there are, super high quality and very soft.

Great products

I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They feel good and the order was delivered incredibly quickly. Thank you! I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They... I love the hats and scarves from Oh Chapo and have already stocked up the kids for next winter. They feel good and the order was delivered incredibly quickly. Thank you!

We love the Pinnis

We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears. We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears. We love the Pinnis! They are simply perfect. Cuddly warm and a great cut. Finally no more cold ears.

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New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~
PINNI rosé

€49,90 EUR

Available in all colors and sizes

New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~
PINNI cinnamon

€49,90 EUR

Available in all colors and sizes

New Arrival ~ New Arrival ~
PINNI sand

€49,90 EUR

Available in all colors and sizes

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11 Reviews
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Hochwertige Stücke mit Hingucker-Garantie Sehr schöne, hochwertige Qualität der Mützen. Meine Große ist total verliebt in die PINNI ihres kleinen Bruders und ihr BEANIE möchte sie am liebsten nicht mehr ausziehen. Support small business! Und diese starke Frau, die hinter dem Label steckt unterstütze ich sehr gerne! Danke!
Alexandra B.
Warme Öhrchen Super schöne Mütze, ich war anfangs etwas kritisch wegen der Passform, alle bisherigen Mütze rutschen meiner Kleinen nach kurzer Zeit ins Gesicht. Aber ich wurde sehr positiv überrascht. Endlich kein Verrutschen mehr und zudem sieht es einfach soooo goldig aus! Vielen Dank! Hohe Qualität zum fairen Preis! Wird nicht meine letzte Bestellung gewesen sein ☺️
Nehle Munari
Supersüßes kleines Unternehmen! Sehr sympathisch, mit tollen Produkten im Angebot! Wir haben eine niedliche Pinni ergattern können 😍 Diese wurde blitzschnell verschickt und war sehr liebevoll verpackt! Wir sind mehr als zufrieden und kehren bei Gelegenheit gerne wieder zurück 🤗 Vielen lieben Dank❣️
Stephanie Schmidt
Sind durch Zufall bei insta auf die Seite ch chapo gestoßen und waren sofort verliebt in die tollen Mützen. Qualität super, angenehm weich und super niedlich 🥰 der Preis ist zwar etwas hoch aber man hat dafür auch eine wundervolle Mütze. Habe mich sehr darüber gefreut. Versand ging auch schnell und sehr schön verpackt ❤️ werden sicher mal wieder dort kaufen 😊🌸
Katharina Janus
Alles bestens 🤍
Tolle Pinni Mütze Tolle Mütze, super weiche mitteldicke Wolle, schöne dezente Farbe, sehr süß und Stirn ist auch bedeckt. Kind 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Größe M passt perfekt, noch etwas Luft für den ganzen Winter. Bitte auch in schwarz anbieten.
Nicole S.
Wunderschön, wir sind total verliebt Endlich haben wir unser Paket erhalten. Wir haben schon sehnsüchtig darauf gewartet. Obwohl der Versand nicht wirklich lang gedauert hat. Aber so ist das eben wenn man sich auf etwas freut.😊 Zunächst einmal war ich ganz begeistert wie wunderschön, liebevoll und wertschätzend meine Ware verpackt war. Einfach toll und sehr ansprechend. Wir haben uns nach langen überlegen (die Entscheidung fiel wirklich schwer, weil wir mehrere Favoriten hatten) für Pinni und Loopi schwarz entschieden… und wir sind begeistert. Ich bin Erzieherin und lege großen Wert auf Naturmaterialien… und viele schrecken vielleicht auf Grund des Preises auch zurück etwas zu kaufen. Aber ich muss sagen, es ist jeden Cent Wert. Denn wer Ahnung hat, weiß das Nutzen von Naturmaterialien zu schätzen. Lange Rede…😅 Aber ich bin wirklich sowas von Zufrieden und verliebt in unser Set, dass das definitiv nicht unsere letzte Bestellung war!!❤️ Unbedingt vor der Bestellung nochmal bei der genauen Größenbeschreibung schauen, nur als kleiner Tipp. Habe auch fast die falsche Größe bestellt.
Annabel W.
Ultrasüß und top Qualität!!! Immer wieder bin ich auf Instagram auf die super süße Mütze-Schal-Kombi von Oh Chapo gestoßen, aber zugegeben, ganz günstig ist das Set ja nicht. Neulich habe ich dann erstmals ein Kind auf dem Spielplatz gesehen, das die Kombi trug und genauso so süß damit aussah wie die Kids auf den Werbefotos. Dann musste ich zuschlagen und bereue es nicht. Ultrasüß!!! Außerdem super verarbeitet, eine echt tolle Qualität! Bin begeistert!
Tolle Produkte und super nette Beratung
Sehr empfehlenswert Der Shop bietet Ware mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert an, die Auswahl an Farben ist sehr besonders , die Qualität spricht für sich . Die Größenangaben sind reale Werte
Wiederholungstäter ☺️ Die schönen Accessoires von Oh Chapô sind ihr seit der Geburt ein fester Bestandteil unserer täglichen Anziehroutine. Die Cousine und Der Cousin sind mittlerweile auch ausgestattet. Wir sind begeistert das Design einfach nur goldig und das Material ist mega weich mit tolle Farben.